Jimmy swaggart today
Jimmy swaggart today

jimmy swaggart today

You’d pull an on-call weekend and Friday night duty once every eight weeks, for which you would receive blessed overtime! It was a good job, except for one thing: assclowns like Jimmy Swaggart. The plane would arrive and we’d unload the cargo onto the tarmac, sort it all, and load it into the backs of our trucks before going out to make our deliveries. At both airports I could pull up to a side gate leading onto the tarmac, pop the always unlocked lock and cruise right on in. In those days airport security was a joke. I could be going out to the New Orleans airport to pick up freight or over to the Baton Rouge airport and making deliveries anywhere from Geismar all the way out to the prison in Angola. I’d get up at five am and call the 800 number to find out the arrival time of whatever shipment I was scheduled to pick up and deliver that day.

jimmy swaggart today

The pay was enough that if I lived frugally I could also afford to pay for my education. I was done each day no later than 2 pm, so I took afternoon classes at Louisiana State University.


I knew how to use that gun too, as long as I didn’t have to shoot too far. I was licensed, bonded, and I carried a pistol. As a contractor I made a steady thirteen bucks an hour.

jimmy swaggart today

It was a good job back in those ancient days when three bucks an hour was minimum wage. When I was younger I worked for an air freight contractor that had contracts with several major air freight lines that didn’t have official offices in Baton Rouge or New Orleans.

Jimmy swaggart today